Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am tired. I am tired of turning on ESPN and hearing about Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) and his steroid test.

A couple of thoughts: The tests were supposed to be anonymous and the results never revealed. Then the Federal Government subpoenas the two lists and work out who tested positive.

So the first lesson learned is don't trust the government. As a Christian, I am supposed to submit to the authorities. Don't see anything about trusting them.

I do not think that whoever revealed the test results is on any higher moral ground than A-Rod. I think that individual (or individuals) have serious integrity issues.

The second thing that struck me is that A-Rod had been lying about his usage for six years. he even lied on national TV. Then this whole matter became public.

During his coming clean session with Peter Gammons, he said that he felt like a load had been lifted from his shoulders now that this lesson is public.

What a lesson! If we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins. God forgives us and takes that burden from us.

We are also told that all things will be revealed. Nothing can be hid from God. Nothing we have ever done has been hid from God. A-Rod has had one of his mistakes revealed for the world to see and is suffering the humiliation of being found out.

But someday we will all face God and answer for our sins. Forgiveness releases us from the burden of carrying our sins around. Confession is good for the soul.

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