Monday, June 22, 2009

Two Churches

We went to church on Saturday night. We had never been to this church before. It was the stereotypical Missouri synod Lutheran church service. Lots of people sitting in back. We sat toward the front.

Sang every verse of every hymn. Except for the last one since we were over time and then it was just the first and last verses so that we could get out of there. The sermon was OK. But we left with the feeling of being "unfilled".

Sunday morning I got up early and went for a run. 'Twas hot and humid. As I ran I prayed. I knew that I should go to church on Sunday so I decided to go to the nearby nondenominational church that we have visited several times. I showered and cleaned up ate breakfast and headed off to the early service.

Got there just in time for the praise band. And they played a couple of old standby hymns. The violin was a nice accompaniment. Lots of joy. And a great sermon on temptation that compared the lives of Joseph (Old Testament one) with the life of Jesus. Compared the temptation that Joseph faced from Potiphar's wife with the temptation Jesus faced from satan after 40 days inthe wilderness. Practical application points at the end. Followed by communion.

God worked me over. Lot's of prayer.

Right at the end of the service I had the distinct impression of: "It is well with my soul."

Quite the difference from the feeling of the night before. And a great Father's Day present.

I have to be careful though. Feelings can deceive. I need to listen to the voice of God speaking through His Holy Spirit and follow the direction that I can discern. And thats not what I want to discern, its what I can discern.

For the road is narrow...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rain Barrel

This last Saturday we went out to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore to look around. While there we bought a rain barrel kit. And we had a free hot dog, chips and iced tea.

Saturday afternoon, I put it in place and put it together. Then I waited for rain. And I waited. Prior to Saturday it rained eight days in a row. Finally, early this morning, it rained. A third of an inch. And the barrel overflowed. It is placed under the shortest length of gutter on the house.

Later this morning it poured again. But the barrel is not any fuller than it was before. It is just as full as it was and will remain so until I empty something out.

I'm reminded of our Christian life. God gives us a little and it is enough. We need to empty some out so that he can put something back in. Otherwise we will just sit in place slowly going stale and moldy.

So our goal is to empty ourselves to others. We have to look for those places that need water and be ready to give water.

And be ready and available to be filled again.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So this morning, before the sun came up, I went for a walk. The creek was running full over the small waterfalls after the half inch rain over night.

After work I went for a run in the 74 degree fall day with the wind out of the northeast. I guess it is still spring but it sure feels like fall.

After I grilled up the Shoyu Chicken that Loralie had made and we had a great dinner on the deck, I took Nikki (our dog) for a walk.

I was about 3/4ths of a mile in and deep in prayer. The Lord has laid a couple of things on me lately that I need to deal with. I was cruising along when I noticed out of the corner of my eye an older man struggling with a large trash can. Tomorrow is trash day (remind me to get the trash out tomorrow).

His cane was getting in the way. I was just about past him when I realized that I needed to at least ask him if he would like me to help him out with the trash can. He was really grateful. So Nikki (our dog) and I ran the can down to the street. Its one of those large ones that have to be placed in the correct position.

Then Nikki (our dog)and I continued on our way.

And it struck me. How many other times have I been so wrapped up in doing ministry that I miss the opportunity to minister to someone who needs it?

I could have just kept on walking wrapped up in my own prayers and thoughts and missed the opportunity to help someone in need.

I have to be more open to those opportunities.

And next time I have to spend a little more time talking with the person I am trying to help...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Hitting Home

So it has finally come home to roost.

Up to now it has been kind of abstract and distant.

But today, I found out that some friends have disconnected their home phone and business line and have their house on the market. They have been been building houses for years and the market has dried up to almost nothing in the high end houses that they built. And they have three houses to sell.

There were no building permits issued in Overland Park last month for new construction.

So what is the upshot of this? The electrician doesn't wire any new houses, the finish crews don't put in trim, the painters can't paint, the roofers don't get paid to roof and plumbers don't run pipes. And lumber yards don't move product. And these people don't spend money on other things. And the impact expands.

So it is time to pray for those in similar situations...