Monday, August 3, 2009


Yesterday we went to church and heard an excellent sermon about the two builders. One built the house on the rock and was able to stand the storms that came while the other built his house on an unstable foundation and lost it when the storms came.

After church we worked outside most of the day. Loralie was hauling rocks and pulling weeds while I started to work on the green house.

Yes a green house. We purchased a small kit green house that will lean up against the south side of the house. This is a small project and we don't need a permit it qualifies as a shed according to the city and since it is attached to the house we don't need home association approval. Loop hole to take advantage of.

We also got a base kit to help keep the green house off the ground. I had several options to put the base on. One was pour a concrete pad, another was to use bricks or pavers and another was to put in concrete corner posts.

But I want the thing to stand up to the wind that we get here in Kansas. So most of my day was spent doing calculations, digging footers and framing in the concrete foundation. And running to the local orange box store for concrete and lumber.

I'm a slow learner sometimes. It wasn't until I was talking with my neighbor about the project and I said: "I decided to go ahead and put in a footer so the green house won't shift" that I realized this was exactly what the sermon in the morning was about.

And I also realized that all too often I take shortcuts in building my foundation, shortcuts that weaken it and weaken my walk with God. I have to do it right so that when the storms come, I won't be blown off course.

Now I have to hope that the rain holds off tomorrow so that I can pour the foundation...

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